Intelligence Watch | Membership
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Welcome as member

Within Intelligence Watch people who are passionate about creating a better society gather. They are decision makers, researchers, commentators, managers, politicians, academics and other community builders who want to make a contribution and to increase their insight into some of today’s most topical issues.

Being member means to obtain qualified, independent analysis, business intelligence and future reconnaissance that gives the own organization the basis for decisions and actions. It also provides access to our range of seminars and networking meetings.

It is a mark to the world that the organization stands behind the transition towards a sustainable and better society and it provides a platform for action with others. Member benefits are offered in different price ranges and are imposed for the coming year at the annual meeting. The following organizations have chosen to become member:

Almi Företagspartner Skåne AB

Atrium Ljungberg

Burlövs Bostäder



Cushman & Wakefield

Dendera Holding


Forvis Mazars


Helsingborg municipality

Hässleholm municipality

Ikea / Ingka Services

Krinova Incubator & Science Park

Kristianstad University

Lomma municipality

Lund municipality

Malmö municipality

MAQS Advokatbyrå

MKB Fastighets AB


People Impact

Region Skåne


Science Village Scandinavia


SMT Malmö Partner Holding

Sparbanken Skånes Ägarstiftelse Finn

Sundprojekt AB

Tetra Pak



Businesses, government organizations and academia who share our values have the opportunity to apply for membership in the association Intelligence Watch.

Send an inquiry and we will contact you with more information: